Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cheating on Standardized Tests

It seems that I only get the bug to blog when I see a story on the news or somewhere in print that infuriates me! I was watching the news last night, when I saw a story about a very publicized principal in Denver. This person had "turned a low performing school around". They were featured nationally in stories touting how fantastic their curriculum, teachers, students, etc. were. (I am not saying anything negative about these people, trust me)... So the story last night discussed how this principal was caught changing answers in multiple student test booklets. That is why their scores were so good and had grown so much...This person has been fired and, I am sure will have to pay back any "performance pay" that they had recieved in the past. What I find so interesting is that the news shows this story, and then cuts to children from the school who say they want this man back in the building, as he brought them all together and created a community of trust, and that he is a really good guy who they can't believe would do this. So what made him do this? Pressure maybe...Performance pay and standardized testing...Lack of community support? What do you think will happen when teachers/administrators jobs are on the line in the future? Do you think this will be a one time occurance? Is everyone going to be honest??? As much as it pains me to say this, I really believe this is just the first of many stories that will start coming out due to the unrealistic pressures put on schools today. I believe schools are underperforming...But creating more pressure for teachers, in a society that does not value education seems ridiculous to me. There is little support at home. Period. Without support, teachers have very little hope of reaching all of these goals. Yes, teaching is their job. TEACHING. Not babysitting, not making sure kids are fed, not dealing with bullying...TEACHING. However, this is not what teachers are doing. They are babysitting, they are feeding and loving all these children, they are dealing with bullying...They are overstressed and underfunded. It is ridiculous to think they can do it all.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Math Adoptions

Well, I know I haven't blogged in a while. I just haven't had any reason to. I am no longer active in the sales world for math. However, in the last 3 weeks I have received multiple emails from a district I used to work in. They are in the process of a math adoption. Any teacher knows that this is not a fun time. You have teachers who love each program, for their own reasons. And none of them are wrong. REALLY, they have reasons they like certain programs. Nothing that is said can change that. However, it is appalling to me that ease is a reason to keep a math program. "It will be easier, to keep the current program." Are you kidding me???? Seriously???
First off, the only reason to keep a program is if it is effective for your children. THE ONLY REASON. This means, test scores are going up, kids are becoming proficient, and math is flourishing in your building. If that is happening, keep the program...But odds are, if you are looking for a new adoption, that isn't happening.
Secondly, all adoptions are hard. It doesn't matter what program you choose. You are going to struggle implementing it. But I have always said at inservices or just talking with people, that the struggle is worth it. Those kids learning is the whole point of this process. Playing the safe route only benefits the teachers.
Third, do your research. Don't let the salesperson make your choice. It's there job to make their program sound perfect. NO PROGRAM IS PERFECT. NONE. If that was out there, everyone would be using it...There is a reason states are banning certain texts. There is a reason certain math programs are in the news. Read up. Look at the pros and cons. If you don't know how to do that, contact me or someone you know and trust to help with it. Really, our children are too important to take these decisions lightly.
And finally, don't let the few loud teachers make the choice. Everyone needs to be involved. Contact me if you need anything...PLEASE...