Thursday, February 17, 2011


I just finished talking with some teachers about math. It was an interesting conversation based mostly on the current topic of "Singapore Math". I am always amazed at how many teachers believe that bar modeling is Singapore Math. I have talked about this in a blog before, and multiple times in inservices, but feel obligated to restate some basic information about Singapore Mathematics.

The basis of true Singapore Mathematics is problem solving. Real world problem solving. I agree. This does include bar modeling. But it also includes mental math, number bonds, going from concrete to pictorial to abstract thinking, as well as geometry, algebra, and basic concepts including NUMBER SENSE.

Although well intentioned, you can not change only one part of your math program and expect it to change how students think about math. You can't teach bar modeling only and expect your students to become proficient overnight. If it was that easy to do, I would tell you to do it. I am more concerned with student understanding than with selling products. However, it just isn't true. Students have to start out with a firm understanding of basic number sense. Using a program that teaches students about numbers is necessary. Teaching students and ensuring mastery is necessary to produce forward thinkers that are going to be successful in math.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Colorado Literacy Conference

It was CCIRA time last week. The numbers were WAY down, but it was so exciting to still see a number of teacher's showing up to learn more about how to best educate children. This conference is not cheap, and many of the teachers I was able to talk with had to pay their own way. Remember that when you are joking about summers off...They might have summers off, but are paying for it in many different ways!

This year was a great time to catch up with new and old friends! I was able to talk with local authors, vendors, and teachers! I was given many tips, some I thought I should share!

Most teachers write stories everyday. Many dream about having books published. I took the down time this year to ask author Justin Matott about getting a book published. His words of advice??? Get an agent. Go to writing conferences and show your work. Make connections with people that write in the genre you are writing in.

Hope this helps any aspiring authors out there. At least it gives you a starting point if you are serious about it!